Potential Elmira Water Board building move gets mixed reviews at public hearing
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Elmira City Council held a public hearing about the possibility of moving the Water Board from its current location on West Water Street in Downtown Elmira. Water Board officials say they're looking to move the building to Reservoir Street, and there were mixed reactions about this proposal from the community.
"We would like the Water Board to reconsider staying downtown, and bringing traffic downtown. Its important for our downtown," said one man who spoke at the hearing. "And its important to not have cars coming up and down our street with children playing."
The Elmira Water Board is proposing to move to Reservoir Street, closer to the water board facilities. Officials say about 200 people a month pay their bills in person, and that is a main factor for their proposal.
"We really feel it would be much safer, and we want to be able to have a drive-thru," said Marty Chalk, the Elmira Water Board President. "So, the increased traffic you may be talking about 8 to 10 cars a day, and they would be people pulling into the new building and the drive-thru."
Some people who spoke at the hearing had concerns about the potential move, mainly the new location's proximity to Hoffman Plaza.
"I oppose the new drive-thru," said one woman. "Its a residential area, and we have children up and down the streets."
"My concern is, looking at the map, this is a residential area," said another woman. "Are the neighbors going to like the additional traffic? Is that going to create an issue for them?"
First District Councilman Nick Grasso questioned why a drive-thru could not be built at the existing Water Board building on West Water Street. Officials say the proposal went to the city planning board first, where it was unanimously voted down.
"It did go to the city planning board," said City Manager Michael Collins. "It was not recommended for this, but it always comes back to city council, and they have the vote on whether they want to proceed with the decision or not."
The decision will go to city council vote at the next meeting on April 7th. If approved, Chalk says the new building would be paid for with bonds.