Paralyzed veterans from across the state made the trek to Harrisburg today—where the Pennsylvania Senate recognized their participation in the National Veteran Wheelchair Games.

The Senate Chamber in Harrisburg was packed this afternoon. A crowd of high school football players jostled around at the front; while six men—all athletes in their own right—chatted in the back.

“We were invited down to Harrisburg today as athletes who participate in the National Veteran Wheelchair Games,” Sean Ferry said, the vice president of the Keystone chapter for Paralyzed Veterans of America.

The games were held last July, in New Orleans. Over 550 veterans competed in around 23 events—with the help of 6000 volunteers.

“They do slalom, which is basically obstacle courses,” Ferry said, "Bowling is a very big competition that everyone enjoys."

Ferry walked away with a strike in his bowling competition last year.

The six men recognized on the Senate floor hailed from all across the state. Today’s recognition gave Ferry and other advocates a chance to encourage paralyzed veterans.

“Don't stay locked up in your house and just think you have a disability. What it is, is a different ability,” Ferry said.

The veteran says it's critical to reach out to peers, and groups like Paralyzed Veterans of America. There are connections, resources, and opportunity available, no matter how big or small your community.

“Know that there's things out there you can do. Even if maybe you didn't enjoy them before, you could start enjoying them now,” Ferry said. “Or if you did enjoy them before and think there's no way you can do it, you can do anything. No matter what level you're at. It's possible.”

Any veteran who has paralysis—whether it was from a service related event or afterward—can look up to get connected.