New Playgrounds Coming to Village of Horseheads' Parks
VILLAGE OF HORSEHEADS, NY (WENY) -- Two parks in the village of Horseheads are getting a makeover this spring. Brand new playgrounds are coming to Thorne Street Park and Gardner Road Park.
"At Thorne Street and Gardner Road Parks, we have old, outdated equipment. These are big expenditures that normally we cannot afford to do within our normal operating budget. So, the board and I thought that ARP (American Rescue Plan) funds would be the best expenditure to get these projects going," said Village of Horseheads Mayor, Kevin Adams.
Overall, the village used over a quarter of a million dollars of ARP money for playground equipment, a new pavilion roof, picnic tables, and benches. Mayor Adams said this is only the beginning when it comes to utilizing the Village's green spaces.
"We’re looking at a strategic plan for all of our green space that the Village has, to make a comprehensive parks program so that we can be able to facilitate different age groups, different types of needs, and make a true park system," said Mayor Adams.
Mayor Adams said that the community's feedback on what the Village should do has been awesome. He said officials have heard about doing different things from dog parks, to community gardens, to horseshoe pits.
"We just need to work all the green space, all of the park facilities together to make sure we know and we’re putting in the investment in the most optimal place," said Mayor Adams.
He said if everything goes as planned, they hope to open the playgrounds before Memorial Day. Mayor Adams also mentioned that they will add new mulch and a drainage system to the playgrounds.
"[We're] making sure that we’re not just changing the above-ground part of it, but making sure it’s well positioned so we don’t have more rust and decay in our chips and foundation as well," said Mayor Adams.
Mayor Adams encourages village residents to give their input on potential/future projects and to attend meetings. The next board of trustees meeting is happening on Thursday, March 20th at 6 p.m. at the Horseheads Village Hall.
Mayor Adams provided the following total costs associated with the playgrounds, wood chips, etc.:
Playground Equipment: $155,099
Thorne St. Park Pavilion Roof: $52,000
Wood chips: $12,011.40
Picnic Tables: $7,585.83
Park Benches: $4,494.22

Below are 3D renderings of the two future playgrounds. Gardner Rd. Park is the yellow and blue rendition and Thorne St. Park is the red and blue one.