ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The 20th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon hosted by Catholic Charities of Chemung & Schuyler is less than one week away. The fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, March 25 and you still have a chance to buy a ticket.

The fundraiser is hosted each year in collaboration with Barb's Soup's on Cafe, Notre Dame High School, and local potters to help combat hunger and help those struggling to feed their families right here in the Southern Tier.

Guests can purchase a regular ticket for $35 and just come to the luncheon or they can purchase a $50 ticket for lunch and also to receive a bowl crafted by a local artist or student.

Over 10 artists and schools are on this year's list of bowl makers. Those include:

  • Amanda Warren from 171 Cedar Arts Center
  • Gene Carr, a local retiree
  • Corning-Painted Post High School Students and Megan Wukovitz
  • David Webster’s Pottery
  • Elmira College Students and Chris Longwell
  • Elmira High School Students and Dianna Jones
  • Doug Holtgrewe, a local retiree
  • Horseheads High School Students and Cynthia Cratsley
  • Mary Webber from Loaves and Fishes
  • Notre Dame High School Students and Susan LaVelle
  • Mary Purdy
  • Bethany Conway from the Heart Studio
  • Watkins Glen High School Students and Dawn Coleman

Longwell and Holtgrewe have participated in Empty Bowls since it began 20 years ago.

Catholic Charities will give a presentation to let people know about their resources. Notre Dame High School will also present, discussing their service to the community and how they are helping people during the luncheon.

"So all the proceeds this year are going to go to the [Catholic Charities] Samaritan Center, so we're hoping to raise over $30,000 to help us with the Samaritan Center food pantry," said Katie Rhodes, the marketing and development director at Catholic Charities of Chemung & Schuyler. "It's a place where anyone can come to get food or even diapers, wipes, personal care items, things that they might need."

At the time of writing, there are just over 30 tickets left for purchase.

Tickets can be purchased on the Catholic Charities of Chemung & Schuyler website until Friday, March 21 at 2:00 P.M.

If you've already purchased your ticket and chose to mail a check for payment, Rhodes asks that you give Catholic Charities a call at 607-734-9784 to confirm your spot on the list.

The event will be held from 11:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. at Notre Dame High School in Elmira located at 1400 Maple Ave in Elmira.