ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Celebrations took place all over the Twin Tiers for St. Patrick's Day.  At Hill Top Inn, community members came together to show some Irish Spirit.

"Ninety-two years our restaurant's been here this year, and it's just such a great time to see these families. We have families that are there today that have been coming here for 50 and 60 years, and it's just great to see the smile on their faces. Pat Kane is here again. He's been with us for over 30 years. What a treasure, just what a treasure," said Michael Sullivan, the owner of Hill Top Inn.

Hill Top Inn served Irish meals to the hundreds who came to celebrate throughout the day.  To add to the holiday spirit, the Ring of Chiarraighe Celtic Dancers performed traditional routine for the crowd.  Hill Top Inn was their 7th and final stop of the day.

"It's a ton of fun. We look forward to it every year. We have a lot of people that come and follow us, so that's always fun to see. We have alumni that come back and and dance with us and we just enjoy spreading Irish cheer for everybody," said Kerry Lea Kellogg, the choreographer for the Ring of Chiarraighe Celtic Dancers.

The restaurant was running on generators because of the recent storms, but the holiday spirit was alive and well for another year.

"It's just seeing the people who come up and, year after year, just are happy to be here and celebrate these traditions," added Sullivan.  "And it's family after family after family that just say this is an important part of our life, an important part of what we do. No matter what they are going through, this brings them a little bit of fun, a little bit of enjoyment, a little bit of peace."