7:45 p.m. UPDATE: Thousands of customers still remain without power.

In Chemung County, 6,195 NYSEG customers are without power.  1,330 customers are without power in Schuyler County, and 2,916 are without power in Steuben County.  NYSEG is reporting 4,478 customers without power in Tompkins County.

Tri-County Rural Electric is reporting 1,482 customers without power in Bradford County.  They say 4,446 customers are without power in Potter County, and 1,384 in Tioga County, Pennsylvania.

First Energy is reporting 2,699 customers affected in Bradford County, 2,612 in Tioga County, and 2,133 affected in Potter County.

TWIN TIERS (WENY) -- Amid storms on Sunday afternoon, local electric companies are reporting power outages across the Twin Tiers.  As of 5:15 p.m. these are the reported outages.

NYSEG is reporting 4,269 customers without power in Chemung County.  They say 777 customers are without power in Schuyler County, and 3,753 customers are without power in Steuben County.

The NYSEG website states that the estimated restoration times may change as they work to restore power. If you are experiencing an outage, NYSEG encourages you to report it. You can contact them at 800-572-1131.

Tri-County Rural Electric is reporting 1,949 customers without power in Bradford County, and 4,737 customers without power in Potter County.  They say 2,5613 customers are without power in Tioga County, Pennsylvania.  First Energy is reporting that 2,052 customers are affected in Bradford County, and 2,418 are affected in Tioga County.

To contact First Energy, call 1-888-544-4877.  To contact Tri-County Rural Electric, call 1-800-343-2559.