Guilty Verdict in Trial for Woman Who Critically Injured Chemung Co. Sheriff's Investigator
ELMIRA, NY (WENY) -- A Chemung County jury has found the woman who critically injured a Sheriff's Investigator with her car while attempting to flee guilty of both charges against her.
Fatiuna Massaline was on trial on charges of assault of a police officer, and second-degree assault for the March 29th incident. After deliberating a little more than two hours, a jury came back with a guilty verdict on both charges.
The decision comes after four days of trial.
Massaline was the driver on the night of March 29, 2024 when her ex-boyfriend, Dominick Haley, was believed to have shoplifted from the Target in Big Flats. Massaline was waiting for him in a parked car in the Target parking lot, when she said she saw Haley running through the lot, being chased by another man. Massaline said she intended to leave Haley behind, but two unmarked police cars attempted to block her car, and she evaded them by weaving through the parking lot to get away. During that time, Haley ran towards the car, followed by Investigator Michael Theetge. Both Haley and Theetge jumped onto the hood of the car, at which time Massaline then accelerated, throwing both of them from the vehicle. Investigator Theetge suffered a skull fracture and a brain bleed. Haley got up from the ground and attempted to run, but was caught by police.
Massaline fled the scene, ditching the car at a nearby car dealership and hiding from authorities. She testified that she called for an Uber/Lyft, went to Walmart and bought a coat and took off her wig in order to change her appearance. She then got another Uber/Lyft back to Ithaca. She turned herself into authorities the next day.
Massaline testified on the stand Thursday that she did not know that the man chasing Haley was a law enforcement officer, and neither were the two vehicles that attempted to block her in the Target parking lot. Theetge was in plain clothes, and both vehicles were unmarked. Under questioning on the stand, she said if she had known, she would have stopped the car, and said she did not know that Investigator Theetge had been injured.
She said a previous experience of an attempted kidnapping triggered her to panic, which is why she tried to drive away, and that she did not want to be involved with any trouble Haley may have gotten into.
After the trial, Chemung County District Attorney Weeden Wetmore spoke with WENY News about the outcome of the trial saying that because of the video evidence, he couldn't believe the case even made it to trial to begin with.
"I'm very pleased with the outcome of this trial," said Wetmore. "I was surprised it went to trial. I thought that the evidence was very compelling. We had video of the crime. The police officers were all very straightforward in their testimony. I'm happy for Mike Theetge and his family. The problem is, unfortunately, Mike will never be the same, but this -- we try to seek justice the best way we can."
Jurors were shown surveillance footage from the Target and they heard from several witnesses including Investigator Theetge and Massaline.
Wetmore says he believes the video evidence is what helped greatly.
"Obviously the video must have helped the jury in its deliberations," said Wetmore. "If we didn't have the video, we'd simply have the testimony of the various officers. And juries can look at that and dwell on inconsistencies between each officer. The defendant gave a story. Her story, in my opinion, was far-fetched but it was belied by the videotape that we offered at trial."
The defense counsel had no comment on the outcome of the trial at this time.
Investigator Mike Theetge was also present in the courtroom for the verdict and shared that he would speak out at a later date.
Wetmore added that Massaline could face up to 15 years in prison. Massaline's sentencing is scheduled for May 19 at 10:00 A.M. at the Chemung County Courthouse.

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