Hulkamaniacs lined up for hours in the freezing cold to meet and talk with Hulk Hogan about the beer he co-founded, Real American Beer.

"For 40 years these guys have been riding with me through the highs and the lows and the cool thing about this I do not have to pin or body slam anybody, everybody treats me like I am still the champ here," said, Hulk Hogan, WWE Hall of Famer and Co-Founder of Real American Beer.

"I have been a Hulkamaniac for my whole life and since I was a small child I have idolized him and he brings me a lot of joy to my life.

I used to watch wrestling with my dad, who even had Hulk Hogan's mustache, and he made a big impact on me, he is absolutely amazing, so kind, an amazing wrestler, a good American and somebody to look up to," said Jenn Fini.

"Despite having a lot of ringside seats and being close to him, I never actually met him, so I figured this was an opportunity to say, hey, brother," said Dennis Gore.

"I was lucky enough to meet him last year in Philadelphia and he took the time to talk to me, was interested in the items that I brought, I got to tell him a little bit about me and that meant the world," said Nicholas Kowalski.

"The greatest match ever was when he won the championship against The Iron Sheik, January 23, 1984, if you watch it and do not get goosebumps, you are not an American," said Glenn Fleming.

"When I went to New York, Hulk was already up there, we walked in and he goes, are you here to manage me and I said no, I got all the bad guys, man, I had King Kong Bundy, Greg Valentine, The Hart Foundation and we had a great feud but then one day I realized that I have got Red, White and Blue in my veins and so I joined them," said Jimmy "The Mouth of the South" Hart, WWE Hall of Famer and Hulk Hogan's in-ring manager.

"When I hear the stories, they can go from I grew up watching you or I bonded with my dad over watching you wrestle or I buried my great-uncle with your shirt on, some of the stories blow my mind, they are so positive and such crazy stories that is hard for me to believe that I touched that many people in so many different ways, so it is just amazing how it all turned out," Hogan said.

More information on Real American Beer can be found here: