TOWN OF ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The Town of Elmira Board weighed the proposed solar farm and lithium battery storage site on Monday night.  At the meeting, the board voted to refer the battery storage law to the Chemung County Planning Board, and residents had the chance to voice their opinions.

"The Chemung County Planning Board will have a meeting, they'll review the plan,  in this case the local law, they will then make a determination, will this local law have a county wide impact," said Scott Moore, the Town of Elmira Attorney.

The town board meeting was packed with residents, many of whom said they opposed the project.  Opponents say it creates a fire risk to the greater area surrounding the proposed sites, and the construction process would involve cutting down a lot of trees.

"This is my backyard. If this was your backyard, how would you feel about this?" said one woman.

"I think that the most important people to communicate with are sitting in this room tonight... I don't feel that we have had a say," said another woman.

At the meeting, Town Supervisor Ann Gerould said the town has a duty to review every project presented to them.  She also said all the members of the board have reviewed every comment and letter sent in by the public, and its all being taken into consideration.

"We are concerned too, and we've been tasked with something and we're just trying to work it out," said Gerould.

A concerned resident said a moratorium was brought up at the meeting.  A moratorium would temporarily suspend development approvals while the board gathers more information about the project.  The moratorium got a motion and a second, but ultimately did not have enough votes to pass.

The Town of Elmira Planning Board is set to meet at Hendy Elementary School on March 10th at 7 p.m.  The town attorney said Carson Power, the developer of the site, plans to attend with their own fire experts.  Senator Tom O'Mara also sent a letter to the Town of Elmira Board, asking them to reject the project and implement a moratorium.