(WENY) -- With the recent back-to-back spells we've had of winter weather, people are trying to stock up on rock salt but can't. Stores across New York State like the Do It Center in Horseheads are dealing with the shortage.

"We usually order our rock salt from American Rock Salt. We place an order in August and it usually lasts us throughout the year. Everywhere has ran out of rock salt and they told us they're not bagging up anymore rock salt for the season. We have no where to get any and we are out completely," said the Assistant Manager of the Horseheads Do It Center, Matthew Aiken.

Aiken estimates per each order, they receive roughly 1,000 bags of rock salt. He said over the weekend employees directed customers to buy rock salt from other stores but they've run out, too.

"Usually we send it to whoever's got it because we know customers need it. We helped people get it from Waverly and Sayre for the first two days when we ran out, but everybody is out now," said Aiken.

Aiken said while stores are out or nearly out of rock salt, there are alternatives people can use.

"As you're dumping your ice melt or rock salt onto your ice as it's melting, you want to clean up the water and get it out of the way... Kitty litter is a good alternative that does work for traction. I also use sand, play sand, all-purpose sand, any sand will help gain traction," said Aiken.

Aiken said the Do It Center won't get its next shipment of rock salt until later this year in August or September.