WASHINGTON, D.C. - After years of being detained by Russia, Pennsylvania teacher Marc Fogel is finally back on US soil. Fogel, an American schoolteacher from Butler, Pennsylvania, had been detained in Russia since 2021. He was arrested for carrying medical marijuana for severe back pain. He was serving a 14-year sentence. On Tuesday, the White House announced he’s coming home.  

“I feel like the luckiest man on earth right now,” said Fogel standing next to President Trump in the Oval Office.  

Fogel called the President, the diplomatic staff and members of congress who advocated for his release, heroes.  

“I'm in awe of what they all did,” said Fogel.  

Even before Pennsylvania Senator Dave McCormick (R- PA) was elected to the Senate, he and his wife met with Fogel's 95 year-old mom at their Pittsburgh home in Squirrel Hill. He promised Mrs. Fogel he would work to bring her son home. We asked the Senator what he said to Fogel when he greeted him at the White House.  

“So when he stepped out of the car at the White House I said ‘Marc it’s Senator McCormick welcome home,’” said the Senator. “And he said ‘Mr. Squirrel Hill my mom told me all about the visit; Thank you so much for what your wife and you had done for supporting me coming home.’” 

We asked the Senator how good it was to see Fogel back in the US.  

“It was amazing, amazing,” said the Senator. “It’s like one of those moments I said to President Trump that’s when you think of all the activities and all of the things you think about coming at you, its moments like that, that makes leadership all the difference and that sense of satisfaction. His mom is 95, I have to think she probably thought she would never hug her son again and I spoke with her this morning. She's euphoric. I spoke with Marc last night so it’s a happy day.” 

There are reports that the Trump administration will release a Russian cybercriminal as part of the exchange for Fogel. The President said he sees the exchange as an effort of good will between the US and Russia.  

The President also spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone following Fogel’s release. He said they discussed ending the war in Ukraine that Russia started nearly three years ago.