Ithaca woman accused of stealing roughly $70,000 in state pension payments

ITHACA, N.Y. (WENY) -- A 73-year-old Ithaca woman has been charged with stealing almost $70,000 in state pension payments meant for her late husband. According to the New York State Comptroller's Office, Sharon Collins has been charged with Grand Larceny after getting 23 payments totaling $69,481.
“Sharon Collins allegedly took advantage of her husband’s death to try to cheat the pension system,” said Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller in a prepared statement, adding “She will be held accountable, and my office will continue to partner with law enforcement to protect the pension fund. My thanks to District Attorney Van Houten and the New York State Police for their work on this case.”
The Comptroller's Office says that when it was made aware that Collins' husband had passed away they stopped payments and attempted to recoup the money. That's when authorities say Collins actually withdrew more than $26,000 from her account to stop that from happening.
“I commend the efforts of the New York State Police in collaboration with the New York State Comptroller’s Office in diligently pursuing this investigation. This kind of fraudulent conduct has no place in our community," said Tompkins County District Attorney Matthew Van Houten in a prepared statement.