Catholic Charities to Conduct Study to Count Number of People Experiencing Homelessness at a Specific 'Point-in-Time'
(WENY) -- Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler Counties are trying to determine how many people are experiencing homelessness in the area through a 'point-in-time' (PIT) study. In this case, people will be asked where they slept on January 23rd.
"The point-in-time count is an annual survey we do in partnership with the Continuum of Care for NYS [and] all of the counties in NYS... That will start Thursday night (1/23) and we’ll do that for a week, really just asking people 'Where did you sleep on the night of the 23rd?' [and] compiling all that data... to see where they are finding people [who] are experiencing homelessness, where the funding should be directed, so this data can support what we're doing, and the services we're providing," said Marketing and Development Director for Catholic Charities of Chemung & Schuyler Counties, Katie Rhodes.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will use that information to better understand and address homelessness at a national level. In Chemung and Schuyler Counties, the interviews will be done at places like the Community Kitchen in Elmira or the Catholic Charities food pantry.
Rhodes said they conduct this study every year, and sometimes when it's cold, they don't see a lot of people living on the street.
"I think sometimes we’re surprised and sometimes we’re not surprised because it is so cold. Many people are finding shelter somewhere and so we might not get maybe an accurate count because there are people in sheltering services," said Rhodes.
The study will start on January 23rd and last for a week. Rhodes said it would take about a month for the results to come back. She added if they're awarded any money based on the results, it would go back into the services to help homeless people.
"Having [more people who] can work one-on-one with someone to say 'What are the next steps we need to take [to get] from homeless to housed?' and it’s different for everyone. Everyone’s journey is different and that case management piece can be really important in that journey," said Rhodes.
In the PIT study, people can confidentially answer questions to determine what the housing needs are in the community. Participants will be asked on the night of January 23rd, will you/did you sleep in any of the following locations:
- Outside? (in a park, on someone's porch)
- In a car or camper?
- In a garage or abandoned building?
- Staying in a hotel/motel paid for by DSS/Other Agency?
- Temporarily staying with a friend/family member?
- Temporarily staying in a room, apartment, or house without a lease?
- Are you in a rental/mortgage arrears more than six months?
- Have you received an eviction notice?
They'll also be asked questions like their age, race/ethnicity, if they served in the military, if they have kids, what the main reason is for their current state of housing, and whether they've ever been to jail.