Youth violence is something community leaders want to see decline in the new year.

Bishop Dwane Brock said he has buried too many young people and the rate isn't slowing, "You see young people picking up guns and killing other young people and young adults, just snuffing out their lives."

The latest homicide involving teenagers happened at the end of 2024 on West 31st and Liberty Streets, but Erie isn't the only city prone to these acts of violence.

 As Bishop Brock explained, "Violence is escalating within our country and within our city, again with the escalation of guns, we need to address them, we need the clergy. Clergy cannot just stand behind the pulpit and preach dynamic sermons on Sunday, we need to get out and in the streets."

Bishop Brock said education and guidance from adults in schools is a way to combat the cruel acts. "School districts must be on point with teaching, a child cannot do what a child doesn't know what to do, so we have to teach them and train up our children", said Bishop Brock.

He said it's up to parents, clergy, and community leaders to help put an end to the violence. According to Brock, "Everyone is a leader in their own right and all of us need to come together and solve this in our crazy enigma about youth violence in our country and in our city."

Bishop Brock also said that community programs and organizations could also make a difference in children and teenager's lives.