Elmira College Athletics raises money at 9th Annual Under The Dome Craft Fair
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Over 300 vendors and artists traveled to Chemung County for Elmira College Athletic's 9th Annual Under the Dome Craft Fair. Each dome at the Murray Athletic Center was filled with people selling gifts, collectibles, and various hand-crafted goods.
Attendees paid five dollars each and got to take the time to holiday shop. They could also grab a bite to eat if they wanted.
There was even something for the kids to enjoy too, a stop at Santa's workshop to visit the man himself and Mrs. Claus.
All of the proceeds from today's event go to Elmira College's Athletics Program.
"So we want to be able to give our student-athletes the best possible experience that they can have," said Amber Myers, the head spirit coordinator at Elmira College. "So we try to put on fundraisers to create, you know, more opportunities for them. So it helps with our travel, uniforms, everything's to give them the best experience possible."
Student-athletes also volunteered their time to help the craft fair run smoothly. From guiding people in the parking lot to helping vendors load and unload their products, it was a great way to show their thanks to the community.