Local Marine Corps League Detachment to Host Birthday Ball
BIG FLATS, NY (WENY) -- The E.J. Brewer Detachment of the Marine Corps League will host its annual birthday ball in November, in honor of the birthday of the United States Marine Corps.
The Marine Corps was established on November 10th, 1775. In 2024, it will celebrate is 249th birthday, celebrated across the national with a Birthday Ball, which includes an evening of traditions unique to the USMC.
Locally, the E.J. Brewer Detachment of the Marine Corps League will host a birthday ball at the Big Flats American Legion on Saturday, November 9th. The evening begins with a cocktail hour, followed by buffet dinner with a cash bar, and live music.
This year's keynote guest speaker is Major Michael P. Flanagan, Associate Professor of Naval Science, and Executive Officer of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) at Cornell University.
The Marine Corps League is a veterans organization whose mission is to "promote the interest and to preserve traditions of the United States Marine Corps; strengthen the fraternity of Marines and their families; serve Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and FMF Chaplains who wear or have worn the Eagle, Globe and Anchor; and foster the ideals of Americanism and patriotic volunteerism," according to its mission statement.
Tickets for the Birthday Ball are $25 per person, or $35 per couple. People should RSVP for tickets by contacting Ken Andrus at 607-739-1352.