ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Back in May, the City of Elmira released its first 'Fight on Blight List', which aimed to call out landlords who are failing to maintain their properties.  After four editions of the list, the city council voted unanimously to repeal the list portion of the fight on blight efforts.

"The original 'Fight on Blight List' was great. It did what we intended it to do," said Reverend Gary Brinn, an Elmira Council Member.  "It proved to be a little bit complex, there were some delays in data, but also we were very pleased to get some traction and some success in areas we hadn't really expected."

Some of the 'Fight on Blight' lists were more than 20 pages long.  Brinn originally sponsored this resolution, and he also sponsored the resolution to repeal it.

"We wanted to free up the resolution, so that we were able to report more broadly on things like becoming a pro-housing community, something that recently happened, and on bringing vacant and zombie properties back online. So, it really was intended to help us even better serve our goals of fighting blight in the City of Elmira," said Brinn. 

Instead of a monthly list of landlords who are not up to code, City Manager Mike Collins will release a report.  This report could include information about housing like programs, partnerships, grants, and enforcement actions like civil filings.

"I don't know if it will specifically be a list, but maybe we could do something to the effect, once cases are heard in court, what the end result is. So I think, a lot of different positive opportunities we can do in the future in regards to that," said Collins.

The City of Elmira posts their updates in their monthly newsletter, as well as on their website.