TOWANDA, PA (WENY) -- Alumni of a Towanda High School student organization are invited to Friday's football game for an event commemorating its 50th anniversary.

The Towanda High School K-Dettes - the school's bandfront dance team - is celebrating 50 years in 2024. On Friday, September 6th, all of those who performed or served as advisor to the group at any point in the past 50 years is invited to attend Towanda's football game against North Penn-Mansfield.

"All of the alum are invited to come join that, we’re going to a little recognition thing at halftime, kind of recognize everybody at halftime with what year they graduated. We sold 50th anniversary shirts that people can wear, and we’ll have for purchase in our tent," said Katie Tuttle, a former Towanda K-Dette and organizer of the Sandy Cady Scholarship, which was named in memory of the beloved former K-Dette advisor, who passed away in 2021.

"I think this one is really going to help get the word out about the scholarship that we present each year; I think it's going to get more of the past K-Dettes and Majorettes as well involved with our Facebook page and things like that, so it's exciting," said former K-Dette and Sandy Cady scholarship organizer, Nicole Wilson Mize. 

The Sandy Cady scholarship is given annually to a graduating K-Dette to go towards his or her college education. The Towanda Bandfront Alumni group will also be selling pom poms and other items to benefit the scholarship fund at Friday's game and throughout the season.

The K-Dettes first formed in the summer of 1974, and over the years have gone from a pom pom club performing with the marching band during football season, to performing during winter sports for Towanda High School, and taking part in spring dance competitions. 

Friday's football game kicks off at 7PM at the Endless Mountains Sports Complex at Towanda High School; the recognition event will take place at the beginning of halftime. 

Former K-Dettes interesting in learning more information, or supporting the Sandy Cady Scholarship fund can check out the Towanda Bandfront Alumni Facebook page. They can also be reached by email at, and Venmo for donations is @Scholarship18848.