Elmira College Welcomes the Class of 2028
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Friday marked move-in day for the Elmira College Class of 2028, and excitement filled the air. Elmira College is welcoming what they are expecting to be its largest incoming class in recent years; a promising sign of growth for the Southern Tier college campus.
"Today's the move-in for the class of 2028," says Pat Gillette, Director of Admissions at Elmira College. "It's extremely exciting because we're bringing in our largest class in the last few years. So nice growth here at Elmira College."
Before the first day of classes on Monday, September 2nd, first-year students and transfer students got a head start by settling into their home away from home.
"I'm entering my freshman year and I'm excited I'm coming here to play basketball and study finance, so I'm just looking to have some fun and get things going," shared George Spinelli, First-Year-Student.
The move-in process wasn't only about unpacking boxes, and setting up the beds, there was a kind and welcoming energy on campus from upperclassmen and student-athletes who wanted to lend a hand to everyone.
"I feel like Elmira is a big community and especially like being in school like everyone's so close together and they're gonna realize that and everyone gets to know each other slowly, slowly, and like just being here like helps integrate into that and like the moving process because obviously there's some people that are from like different places, that have a lot of friends that come here," says Konstantinos, sophomore, and Elmira College Men's Soccer teammate.
Elmira College's Class of 2028 is filled with great diversity, with students from around 12 countries and 23 states. As President Lindsay reminded them, they're not alone in their first-day jitters.
"I think typically a freshman feels that I must be the only one that's anxious about this experience, and pretty much everyone is about a new experience. So my advice would be reach out, ask questions. We have faculty staff and administration who are really here to help, and if they don't ask the question, we don't know. So be vocal, reach out and we're here to help," President Lindsay said.
From new faces and first steps into on-campus living, Elmira College is kicking off its year happy and excited to welcome the Class of 2028.
For information about campus, clubs, dining, dorms, and more visit the following links below.
Clubs and Organizations: https://www.elmira.edu/life-at-elmira/clubs-organizations
Dining: https://www.elmira.edu/life-at-elmira/dining-services
First-Year-Experiences: https://www.elmira.edu/life-at-elmira/first-year-experience
Athletics: https://www.elmira.edu/athletics/overview