Friends of Valley Arts unveil 88 foot long mural in Downtown Sayre
SAYRE, N.Y. (WENY) -- The Friends of Valley Arts (FoVA) unveiled their newest mural right in the heart of Sayre earlier today, all of it happening during it's very own ceremony and celebration.
The mural, located at 100 S Elmer avenue, is a staggering 88 feet long and 12 feet high. There are seventeen unique tones of grey that accompany accents of black, white, and a vibrant gold.
15 different sections of the mural depict local landmarks, buildings, and businesses that have been pivotal to Sayre's history. Over 200 locals helped contribute to the mural during the winter season by painting it onto a poly-tab mural cloth, it was then hung and installed in place during June and July.
"We talked about possibly doing some murals downtown to help revitalize it. So now we're in the thick of it and it's going well, and this one here, we're very proud of it and all the people that worked on it. We had over 200 community members help with this particular mural and I think the mission is working for now and we look forward to doing more," remarked FoVA president Dana Twigg.
The mural's ceremony consisted of historical insight, FoVA members explaining the new mural, along with some live entertainment.