TIOGA, PA (WENY) -- The Moving Wall will be arriving in the area this week, welcomed with a motorcycle escort.

Motorcyclists are invited to take part in the escort which will lead the wall from Painted Post, New York to Williamson High School in Tioga, Pennsylvania the morning of July 10th. Interested bikers can meet at the Hampton Inn on Town Center Road in Painted Post on the 10th, before 8:00AM. Kickstands go up at 8:30AM.

The escort route will travel down the old State Route 15, through Lindley, Lawrenceville, and into Tioga with an estimated arrival time at Williamson High School at 9AM.

The group of motorcyclists will be led by Vietnam veterans, followed by combat veterans, all other veterans, and then general riders. New York State Police and members of the Steuben County Sheriff's Office will be part of the escort until the Pennsylvania state line, where it will be joined by Pennsylvania State Police and the Tioga County Sheriff's office to lead the escort to the school. 

The opening ceremony for The Moving Wall will take place at 3PM on July 10th.