Local Museums feature William Wegman Exhibit
SOUTHERN TIER, N.Y. (WENY) -- Two local museums have new exhibits for the summer, featuring the photography of William Wegman. The Rockwell Museum in Corning and the Arnot Art Museum in Elmira aimed to create interactive activities for both kids and adults.
"I think for kids and families to come here, one it's just a really fun way to interact with art and sort of learn about art is through the dogs themselves. William Wegman's art is serious art, but it's also a lot of fun," said Dr. Amanda Lett, the curator of collections and exhibitions at the Rockwell Museum. "I think that's a great way for kids and adults to maybe, if they're not familiar with art, to kind of dip their toes in the water, and I think too, just the opportunity to also have a creative place to play and think Is always really great for kids, especially during the summer when school's out."
The Rockwell and the Arnot Art Museum have Wegman's photos in a two part exhibit. They feature dozens of pieces, and interactive activities like a magnet board and a scavenger hunt, with a special prize at the end. The pieces are from Wegman's personal collection, and found their way to the Southern Tier in an unique fashion.
"One of our members, Elise Johnson-Schmidt, actually plays Words with Friends with William Wegman. One day noticed that in his avatar he had a weimaraner, and she also has weimaraners, so she asked him if he was a fan of the breed and they got to talking. And then she realized that she was talking to William Wegman, the photographer, and so she came and talked to our director and we were introduced to the Wegmans and their team and that's really the reason that the show is here in Corning and Elmira this year," said Dr. Lett.
The exhibit is on display at the Rockwell until September 3rd. More information can be found on their website, here.
The exhibit is on display at the Arnot Art Museum until August 23rd. More information can be found on their website, here.