Volunteers Wanted for The Moving Wall in Tioga County
TIOGA, PA (WENY) -- In six weeks, a traveling tribute to those who served in the Vietnam War will make its return to the Twin Tiers.
The Moving Wall will be on continuous public display at Williamson High School in Tioga, Pennsylvania on July 10th through the 15th. The Moving Wall is a half-size replica of the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.
Volunteers are needed to help with the event, from assisting visitors with finding names on the wall, to security. Also needed are people willing to help read the more than 58,000 names on the wall, which will be read aloud during the wall's visit. The reading of names include 220 names to be read in 20 minute increments.
To learn more about volunteer opportunities and to sign up to help or make a donation, visit tiogacomovingwall.com.