ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY)-- Voter turnout in the New York Presidential Primary was particularly low yesterday. While there were many factors contributing to the low turn out, some people say they were simply unaware there was an election happening

''Many people were not aware of it because it didn't receive the notification here locally, as the national news was covered with other primaries. Also, if it is a lousy day, you just decide not to go out,'' said Jim Hare, Democrat collection commissioner for Chemung County. 

In Chemung County, there approximately 33,000 registered voters, 95 percent of these did not cast a ballot in Tuesday's Republican or Democratic Presidential Primaries. The trend was not limited to just Chemung County, as counties across the Empire State saw low voter turnout with the Presidential General Election basically set. 

''Primaries are down -first of all- is only party members voters- and in some cases, while the primaries are a technicality- reality is there is no competition and it does not stimulate the same excitement,'' said Hare. 

Hare said that he is hopeful voter turnout will be stronger in the New York State Primary Elections in June and general elections in November. The next election is the Federal, State and Local primary on June 25th.