(WENY) -- Turning 65 this year? If so you may be eligible for the Enhanced STAR property tax exemption in New York. The Enhanced STAR exemption provides increased benefits for senior citizens age 65 and older with qualifying incomes 98,700 or less for the 2024-2025 school year. It is based on the first 84,000 of the value of a home for the 2024-2025 school year. 

How do you know if you're eligible? First, the property must be the primary residence of at least one eligible owner. All owners of the property must be at least 65 years old as of December of this year, with the exception of the property being jointly owned by a married couple or only siblings, in which case the owner is the only one who needs to be 65 or older. The combined incomes of all owners and any owners spouse must have equal or below $98,700 in  2022. 

To apply for Enhanced STAR property tax exemption you are going want to apply to you assessors office by Friday, March 1st. When applying you must provide two forms, form R-425 IVP and RP-425-E and proof of income through your 2022 New York State or Federal income tax forms. 

For more information click here.