WELLSBORO, P.A. (WENY) -- Back in October the Pennsylvania State Government announced that grants would be distributed across the commonwealth geared at boosting recreational opportunities. One recipient of said grant includes a local trail known for its grand views.

Tioga County is a recreational beacon in the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania, it's natural beauty makes it a must see location for any local nature buff. The Pine Creek Rail Trail is one of the stars of the show, offering incredible views and scenic experiences for miles on end.

"This is a project that's been ongoing for about 20 years and it had a very meager beginning with the thought, a concept, and then it realized, we realized there was an important element of this to connect from Wellsboro to the Northern Terminus of the rail trail already in play," remarked Erick Coolidge, the Tioga County Commissioner.

Per the terms of the grant, $500,000 will be allocated to the ongoing development of the Pine Creek Rail Trail, including construction of new path and storm water management. Accessibility and safety were key focuses of this stage of the project.

"Currently bicyclists and pedestrians are walking along Route 6 and there's unfortunately only about a one foot shoulder to navigate some of those sections. So we'll improve the safety of pedestrians accessing the trail from downtown Wellsboro that, you know, we're all looking for and the community will benefit from," added Marc Rice, the incoming county commissioner who currently serves as Tioga County's assistant chief clerk.

The completed section will come with informational kiosks and a visitor center in downtown Wellsboro. After years of hard work and community partnership, Tioga County's hidden gem has become a world-renowned scenic getaway.

"The more recreational opportunities, and the more walkable our community is, and the more of these health benefits we can provide, the more appealing our community is to people from the outside," said Rice

The Pine Creek Trail has been recognized as one of Bike Week's '10 best trails in the world.' The completion of the trail's connection to Wellsboro is expected by early to mid 2025 and is expected to bring an estimated economic impact around $8-11 million.