Ithaca Tompkins International Airport receives federal grant to add service to Washington D.C.
ITHACA, N.Y. (WENY) -- Ithaca residents and cornelians may soon enjoy non stop travel to Washington Dulles International airport. Earlier this month Ithaca Tompkins international airport received a federal grant from the department of transportation worth 750,000 dollars with hopes of adding more flights.
"We're really excited to have this grant from the department of transportation we're using this money for a flight to D.C." says Marketing and Air Service Development Administrator Chris Stephany.
The positive expansion news comes following a previous significant loss in local flights due to the pandemic and a nation wide shortage of pilots. Since the pandemic the airport was forced to cut ties with flights to Detroit, Philadelphia and Charlotte. With this grant they just received they are hoping to obtain these flight routes back as well.
"We're trying to get everything back but we're doing it one step at a time our first step was to get this grant to really push for this flight to DC and then as we get rolling we'll get the airlines to open more flights here for sure."
One of the biggest benefits to installing a flight route to D.C is the amount of students attending college in the Ithaca area that are from our nations capitol. By installing flights it provides an easier way for students to travel home.
"I think this will benefit the universities really well, both students and professors will utilize the services out of the DC area, plus its also a huge hub for anywhere else you need to go."

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