ALBANY, NY (WENY)-- Some New York State lawmakers and advocates are hoping the Governor will sign legislation to prohibit the slaughter of horses for human or animal consumption.

Currently in New York, it is illegal to sell, purchase, exchange, or transport thoroughbred and standardbred horses, types of racing horses, with the intent of slaughtering. 

But the current law does not prohibit all horse breeds from being slaughtered. 

Some lawmakers say this legislation would change this, extending protections for all different kinds of horses. 

“I truly believe and was proud of the first bill back in 2021 with standardbred and thoroughbred, and now we’re doing the right thing here this year expanding it to all equine,” said Sen. Joseph Addabbo (D-15th Senate District). 

Nancy Perry, senior vice president with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), said horses in transition to a new home often end up at auctions where they can encounter "kill buyers," buyers intending to bid, purchase and transport them over the United States boarder to a slaughterhouse in another country.   

“They literally go through a terrible process that involves a great deal of fear and suffering for those animals. And then they’re killed in a manner that’s really inconsistent with humane values,” said Perry. .

Perry owns two horses she saved from the horse slaughter pipeline, one of whom was one day away from being boarded on a slaughter truck. 

She said Gus and Johnny Cash now live a very happy life playing in the snow during the wintertime, enjoying getting attention, being brushed, and eating apple treats. 

“They just really enrich my life, and they make me so aware of all the other horses who are out there who really need help,” said Perry. 

Perry is hopeful the Governor will sign this legislation.