ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The United States average college tuition in 2023 is over 36 thousand dollars per year, according to the education data initiative. New York State Students will attend Elmira's College can soon apply for financial support with Take Flight.

"This is for New York State students whose families made $50,000 in 2022," said Eric Sykes, Vice President of Enrollment Management at Elmira College, Eric Sykes.  "It's essentially a free tuition and fee program, so they would not pay any tuition and fee, no out-of-pocket expenses, and all students who qualify would be automatically qualified, considered for the program." 

Take Flight will go into effect for the Fall 2024 semester. Students whose families earn fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or less annually will automatically qualify. Students who attend Elmira College will only have to fill out a FAFSA application when they open in December 2023, or January 2024. According to Elmira College, the financial grant application is a few months delayed this year and usually is accessible in October. 

The financial program has different post-graduate guidelines than SUNY's Excelsior Scholarship Program. SUNY requires former students who obtained assistance to stay in New York State.

"In this case, because we're a private institution, this is essentially for New York State residents, so you have to be a resident of New York State but once you become, once you apply and receive the grant, there's no post-graduation requirement to stay or to do any additional work," said Sykes. 

Qualifying students who receive a full education ride at Elmira College will have to pay for other campus amenities. 

"Room and board would be extra. this would just cover tuition and fee, but it would essentially make that cost an absolute zero and we're really doing it to put clarity for students out there in terms of what the cost of the institution would be and to make sure that this is affordable and an access program for them," concluded Sykes.

Elmira College hopes this type of program helps students in need of financial support, so they can consider higher education. Take Flight has a rolling admission with no official capacity. More information about the program can be found here.