Wine and Dine raises money to fund vital community resources
ATHENS, Pa (WENY) -- The Spalding Memorial Library and the Tioga Point Museum hosted their 9th annual Wine and Dine plus a Brew or Two event Wednesday night. The proceeds help to pay for internet access, educational resources and more for people who visit the library and museum. With more than 400 tickets sold this year, the proceeds will continue to make positive changes in the community.
Spalding Memorial Library and the Tioga Point Museum have been staples of the Athens community since 1897 and 1895 respectively. They have become a safe space for the community and a hub for resources that might not be available everywhere in a rural area.
“It's kind of a cornerstone to the community. We've got printing services here, fax services here, and we have older folks in the community come here and get their tax paperwork printed, so we really have a little bit of everything,” said Meaghann Campbell, assistant director of the Spalding Memorial Library.
Attendees bought tickets to the wine and dine event, and could also bid on items in an auction. The latest library initiative includes iPads that patrons can check out and take home, and the proceeds of this event will help that program be able to continue.
“That has been an invaluable tool for people to have an iPad for kids. There's some kids that don't have that type of resources, so they get to take it out for 90 days and continue to renew it. How beautiful is that. The hotspot, that helps with a lot of families when their internet is not really strong,” said Becky Williams, a clerk at the Spalding Memorial Library.
The proceeds will also be put towards preserving the history of Bradford County for everyone to see online. The museum is home to hundreds of artifacts and documents.
“We have just a tremendous collection here, and we're trying to make that digitally available. So some of that money will be used to digitize the items and make it available on the internet. Part of it is to spread the word and let people know that we're here, but also make it available to a wider audience,” said Todd Babcock, President Tioga Point Museum.
Last year's Wine and Dine raised over $15,000 for the library and museum, and the event staff say they hope this year's Wine and Dine raised even more for the cause.