U.S. Navy Seabees Honored with a new monument at Woodlawn National Cemetery
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- The United States Naval Construction Battalion, otherwise known as the Seabees, was honored Saturday, July 29th with a monument dedication. Navy Seabees was created in 1941 and served in wars like Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Fallen and standing Seabees were honored at Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira.
"Today was a proud moment for us Seabees in the community," said Larry Sherman, he served in the U.S. Navy as a Seabee for 26 years, additionally as Vietnam Veteran. "We dedicated this beautiful monument off here to my left in memory of all the Seabees that have gone before us from 1941 at their inception till present."
Vietnam Veteran and Navy Seabee Dwight Spear served for a total of several decades. He served in the army from 1966 to 1972, and in the Navy from 1979 to 2004. Spear noted some, but not all of the work the Seabees participate in.
"They're the ones that, sometimes build hospitals when they need 'em, help with building schools, the medical part of 'em. They go out there and they help the children that need help with medical work," explained Dwight Spear, Vietnam Veteran, and Navy Seabee.
Larry Sherman addressed the lack of monuments across National Cemeteries in the United States. Sherman found of the 145 national cemeteries, less than 50 have a monument specifically honoring the Seabees.
"There's only 45 that have that monument in it. So there's another a hundred, and they're scattered across the country, not just here in New York State," Sherman detailed.
Mr. Spear recalls being at Arlington National Cemetery when his eyes were set on a U.S. Navy Seabee monument. When Spear was told one was being built and dedicated at Woodlawn National Cemetery, he felt pride.
"When I first saw one, it was at Arlington National Cemetery. And then when they told about this one here, my heart just instead of fluttering happy nights in, and, to be able to be here, to be part of this group of people here. I'm really proud of all of them and they're like my own brothers," Spear told WENY News.
The Seabess live by four simplistic words that hold profound strength and heartfelt meaning. Seabees dedicated their service to "We Build, We Fight."
"The Seabees we build, we fight, but mostly, we built, and like Dwight was saying, in Vietnam, we built orphanages, runways, aircraft hangers," Sherman shared.
Larry Sherman and his fellow Veterans want the Twin Tiers and the world to know, they serve with "proud hearts and happy hands."
The group that brought the monument to Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira, hopes to dedicate it next in Bath. All of the Seabees are proud that their bond has made them like brothers. All Seabees shared, they are there for each other through thick and thin.

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