Legislation to put free period products in private schools
ALBANY, NY (WENY)--Currently in New York State students have access to free menstrual products in public schools. During the most recent session in Albany, state lawmakers passed a bill to put free period products in non-public schools.
"Period poverty is a very pervasive problem,” said Sen. Lea Webb (D-52nd Senate District), a co-sponsor of the bill.
Sen. Webb added students sometimes miss school because of not having access to menstrual products.
“These products are very expensive and so it is a need that menstruating individuals have," she said.
Some advocates emphasized period poverty, the lack of access to menstrual products, exists along economic lines.
“So, even somebody who’s in a private school that maybe at some point had the products, something in their life might shift that and change that,” said Lacey Gero, Manager of State Policy, Alliance for Period Supplies.
Sen. Webb added this legislation doesn't just address accessibility, it also intends to break down the stigma around menstruation.
She said the stigma around periods can often cause students stress and embarrassment.
“It creates barriers, so that students for example are missing school, and we’re saying as a state and as a country we can and should do better,” Sen. Webb said.
If the Governor signs this legislation, it will take effect next July.