ELMIRA, NY (WENY) -- A brand new community event is coming to downtown Elmira Friday evening, on May 5th.

The first-ever Cinco De Mayo celebration will be from 5PM to 9PM, on West Water Street in Elmira, between North Main Street and College Avenue.

The event is hosted by Los Panchos Mexican Restaurant, will feature drink and appetizer specials at participating local restaurants, a DJ, live music, craft vendors, face painting and more. 

"We've recently been getting together, everyone downtown from business owners, and we decided there is no better time," said Andrew Roosa-Decicco, co-owner of Copy Express in Elmira, which is a sponsor of the event.  

There are plans to turn the Cinco De Mayo celebration into an annual event for downtown Elmira. 

"Seeing the desire and the passion people have for the area, I hope we can bring that with this event. And we got lucky this year, it's on a Friday, so we have two more years of weekend days to make this event really something special for the area," said Kait McConnell, co-owner of Copy Express.