HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) -- The New York State Police Canine Troop E is hosting its 8th Annual "For the Love of Dogs" fundraiser to prepare for a new K-9 in the region.

The fundraiser comes as K-9 Bobby, one of the canines in the unit, prepares to retire. All of the funds from this year's "For the Love of Dogs" will go towards finding his replacement.

Another one of the unit's members is K-9 Theo, a seven-year-old Belgian Malinois who is certified in Narcotics Detection, Cadaver Detection, Tracking, Handler Protection and Criminal Apprehension. According to NYSP Troop E, "his abilities have helped make numerous arrests, drug seizures and apprehensions."

"They just make our jobs a lot easier to find things that we can't normally find, whether it be narcotics, bombs or people who've run away or are missing," said Brandon Salyerds, a member of Troop E.

K-9 Theo additionally has a close connection to NYSP's "For the Love of Dogs" fundraiser, as he was purchased five years ago with the money raised from the 3rd Annual edition. Since then, Salyerds has had a friend and partner for life.

"It's a great job to have," he said. "Every day you go to work with your best friend...and do great police work."

Troop E's 8th Annual "For the Love of Dogs" fundraiser will be held on Saturday, Feb. 11 at the Horseheads Elks Club. Doors will open at 2 p.m. to preview the auction items. Prizes include Kenny Chesney concert tickets, fire pits, custom-made cornhole boards, concert series tickets and autographed memorabilia from New York sports teams. There will also be a 50/50 raffle. 

Beginning at 3 p.m., the Troop will host a separate chicken barbecue dinner for attendees. For those who cannot make the event, there will be two separate pickup times for the chicken barbecue: one at noon and another at 4 p.m. Part of the proceeds from the chicken barbecue will be donated to the fundraiser.

Later on in the night, guests can rock out to music from The PopShow Band. The Rochester natives will be playing at the Horseheads Elks Club from 6 to 10 p.m.

"[They're] Absolutely amazing," said Renee Chalk, the coordinator of the fundraiser. "You'll think you're watching a Las Vegas show."

Tickets for "For the Love of Dogs" are $15 and can be bought at the Horseheads Elks Club. For more information on the fundraiser, contact Chalk at (607) 426-7221.