SAYRE, PA (WENY) -- Andy Potocek is a sixty five year old battling stage four pancreatic and liver cancer. He began chemo therapy in August and is still battling the disease to this day. Andy says his strength everyday comes from his support from his family and friends that he will get through this.

"Family and friends they've been extremely supportive praying for me sending me cards encouraging me and I think this network of support really keeps your spirits up on this journey." 

Andy's doctor Dr. Poulose loves it when he is able to tell patients like Andy that his cancer is moving favorably.

"Andy's got such a great personality and attitude and being able to give him a treatment that will allow him to continue to enjoy doing the little things that he loves to do those precious moments he really cherishes throughout the treatment and to be able to provide that in a treatment that is acceptable to him and to share with him news that his cancer is responding favorably is very satisfying."

Poulose says the best way to beat cancer is to catch it early

"The one thing I'd say the best way to beat cancer or to survive the odds of a cancer diagnosis is to catch it early and so detection tools that we have available at our disposal really go a long way to detect those cancers early and improve the overall outcome."

Poulose informs "with the available treatment options we have today hospitals are able to provide excellent care to patients while still ensuring a good quality life."