Ithaca, N.Y. (WENY) -- Around 2:30 this morning Ithaca police officers responded to a complaint of an assault that occurred in the the parking lot of a business in the 200 block of South Cayuga Street. The victim in this matter reported that 3 males were asked to leave the area as they were
trespassing and disposing of trash in the parking lot. 

 Two of the males spoken to by the victim did leave the area, but the third subject refused. This third male reached inside the victims parked truck and struck the victim in the face with a closed fist. The suspect fled the scene as the victim called police. 

The suspect is described to be a black male about 6'01 in height and 200 pounds. He was seen wearing heavy clothing and a dark colored jacket. 

Any witnesses of this incident are encouraged to contact IPD.