According to the Tompkins County Sheriff's Office deputies were able to talk a shooting suspect from Enfield into surrendering to police without incident earlier today. Java Abdur-Razzaaq, 40, is currently awaiting arraigned and his charges are pending. 

According to police the incident began this morning when deputies received reports around 11 a.m. of a man looking for treatment to a gunshot graze to the face. Police were then led to the site of the incident when they encountered Abdur-Razzaaq. It is there that deputies say they had to convince Abdur-Razzaaq to surrender peacefully. 

This is not Abdur-Razzaaq first run in with the law recently, as last month police said Abdur-Razzaaq dropped a gun as he walked into Cayuga Medical Center. 

WENY News will update this story as more information becomes available.