Chemung Co. Exec. investigating redistricting mailing, Legislator reacts

HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY)-- Tuesday, in a video Chemung County Executive Chris Moss says he plans on having the county attorney investigate a redistricting mailing sent by the board of elections on behalf of the county legislature.
Redistricting is a topic the County Executive and the Legislature have been split on for over a year now. The County Executive says that the postcard contains inadequate information however the redistricting committee chair says that's just false.
In the video, Moss says the postcard pertaining to redistricting sent by the county board of elections was partisan in nature. He says he has asked the county attorney to conduct a thorough investigation. He is also asking voters to look at both sides of the issue.
"When you get a mailing from the board of elections and the return address is the board of elections and it's basically siding with the yes vote, that's improper, you can't do that. If it was simply saying don't forget to turn your ballot over there are three proposals on the back that's one thing that's not what this was," Moss said.
On November 8th voters across Chemung County will have the opportunity to vote yes or no to redistricting. A redistricting committee recommended that the legislature goes with new district boundaries. Moss vetoed that. The legislature overrode the veto.
"The issue is the board of elections at a taxpayers expense sent out a card advocating for their side of the issue. So they spent thousands of dollars of taxpayers' money," Moss said.
Moss says a county legislator used his personal email account to help create the postcard and that may be illegal.
"Tom Sweet is the redistricting Chair. I said who sent it to the Board of elections. They said he's involved in it. We look at an email and it came from his personal address. It didn't go through county channels," Moss said.
Tom Sweet is the Legislator for Horseheads, 3rd district. Sweet admits he did use his personal email and says he did nothing wrong and has nothing to hide.
"It's something I've always done. I use my own personal computer to seek out information to take to the legislature to share it. What information were you seeking, I was looking for someone to draw the district lines," Sweet said.
Sweet says it is not partisan in nature they are not pushing people to vote in favor of the legislature.
"Nothing on this sheet or card asks you to vote yes or no, none of that. We were very careful to make sure that we weren't pushing any direction about how to vote on this," Sweet said.
He reacts to the investigation Moss says he will conduct and explains the mailing is about redistricting to educate constituents.
"This is an educational piece of paper. There is nothing political about this card. All it is is a copy of what this is. That says that this question will be on the back of the ballot, it's a referendum to approve or disapprove the redistricting of the legislative lines in Chemung County," Sweet said.
Tom explains the funds for the mailing were part of the legislative budget of 50,000 for redistricting.
"It was in the neighborhood of $20,000 for the actual drawings and the mapping and the mailing took about $11.000. I felt it was very important to do the best that I can to educate the constituents on what's going on," Sweet said.
Voting for redistricting takes place on November 8th. If the redistricting is passed, it will go into effect in the next 4 years Tom says.
In the meanwhile, Moss is having the county attorney conduct an investigation on that redistricting postcard mailing.

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