Elmira High School announces opening date for new multi-purpose turf stadium
ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) - Elmira High School has announced the opening date of its brand new multi-purpose turf stadium.
The high school will welcome members of the community for the opening on September 20th, 2022. There will be a celebration on Friday, September 23rd before kick-off of the homecoming game for Elmira football when the Express host Union-Endicott at 7 PM.
The stadium includes an artificial turf field, a new press box, home-side concessions, restrooms, track replacement, new bleachers, a scoreboard, and a sound system. The athletic complex will also be rededicated to longtime football and wrestling coach, Thomas J. Hurley, which will take place during the opening celebration.
Elmira Superintendent, Hillary J. Austin released a statement on Wednesday saying "The students and community are extremely excited for this. This district-level event arena is for all -- our teams, field band, community events, and activities."
Superintendent Austin added that "teams being able to play under the lights now adds more excitement and the new turf stadium presents many more opportunities."
The school district says details for the opening celebration will be forthcoming.
Photos provided by Elmira City School District.