ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) - Donations are down for one local organization but the problem is the need in the community is greater and continues to grow.

The Salvation Army recently held a fundraiser for their annual red kettle campaign to help those in the community who are in need. So far this year's campaign is down about 50% in donations and on top of that, they are struggling to get volunteers.

Tonight at the Clemens Center, two local leaders stepped in to help.

During this time of year, you'll typically see many red kettle volunteers outside ringing the kettlebells asking for donations.  Major Stanley Newton with the Salvation Army believes donations are down this year because people are financially stretched compared to last year. He explains many had stimulus checks and unemployment coming in.

"Inflation has killed us this year, gas prices were probably 30% of what they are now, $1 to $2, now it's $3.50. You have COVID resurfacing at a higher level so getting volunteers has been really difficult," Newton said.

He says they had to think outside the box to help draw in donations. So tonight at the Kenny G concert in the Clemens center there were two volunteer guest bell ringers. Chemung County Sheriff Schrom and Chemung County Executive Chris Moss wanted to do their part to help the cause.

Schrom says he is happy to give his time to make Christmas hopefully better for those in need.

"A great cause, easy decision to make so I decided to come out and support the Salvation Army and hopefully raise some money for them," Schrom said.

The Salvation Army says $0.82 of every $1  that's donated stays in the community and goes towards direct services to help the less fortunate. Services such as social services, the food pantry, shelter programs, addiction residences, utility assistance, and rental assistance.

Moss says this is why it's important to donate, no amount is too small.

"If you can give we ask you to give. There are several organizations out there that do great things for the community so you know what, if you give a couple of dollars it's always a good thing whether the money is being spent for meals for toys for children or families so they don't go without especially at holiday time," Moss said.

The red kettle campaign ends on December24th. There are many ways to donate.  One way is by texting ELMIRAKETTLE to 41444 or you can contact the Salvation Army directly.