ELMIRA, NY (WENY) -- Elmira's First Arena is need of extensive repairs, according to details outlined by the Chemung County Industrial Development Agency.

At the IDA's meeting Thursday morning, Chairperson David Sheen outlined a preliminary inspection report that detailed immediate needs at the arena that need to be addressed. According to the IDA, the issues could impede future lease or sale of the facility. 

Among the issues identified, they include

  • Changing of the locks on the facility doors - complete at a cost of $1,200 - $1,400
  • Air Quality
  • HVAC Maintenance
  • Roof repairs/replacement
  • Exterminator (rodents)
  • Mold
  • Hiring of a facilities attendant
  • Fire Alarm system (multiple issues)

According to Sheen, a study conducted by Hunt Engineering in May revealed the roof has multiple leaks and is in need of replacement. Multiple leaks can be viewed in the ceilings all throughout the arena. According to the IDA, the roof is 21 years old and had issues ten years ago that were not addressed by the owner at the time. 

The facility's fire alarm system shows several faults. The system is so old, it's unknown if parts are available to repair it, as the system is now obsolete. Additionally, the HVAC and fan units have been turned off for extended period of time, and mold has grown extensively inside areas of the arena, including the locker rooms, and practice rink area. Photos shown that were taken inside the facility show mold, as well as rooms filled with trash that Sheen says attracted rodents. 

According to the study by Hunt Engineers, it will cost $6-$8 million to make all the repairs needed to bring the facility up to date and make it operational. Chemung County property tax records show the arena is assessed at $2 million, with a tentative 2021 full market value of $2.3 million. 

Sheen explained the HVAC system cannot be turned on without a password, which the IDA does not have. 

The IDA approved a motion to obtain estimates for the necessary repairs to the arena, to address the fire alarm system, as well as hire a facilities attendant to meet the needs of the arena. The motion also included obtaining a quote for the cost of potential demolition. 

Last month, First Arena operator and Elmira Enforcers owner Robbie Nichols, left the facility, at the end of his three-year lease with the IDA. At the time, Nichols expressed to WENY News his wishes to continue to operate First Arena, and said he had put a lot of money into repairs that were never reimbursed by the IDA. 

WENY spoke with Nichols on Thursday as he responded to the recent details outlined by the IDA.

"When I took the building over, it couldn't make ice. The building was in a lot better condition when I left than when I received it" said Nichols. "As far as different things, code enforcement does its annual checks and comes through and the fire department and the health department, so we had everything in order when we were there. We all knew the building needed some work.

"For somebody to use the words get a quote to tear it down, I guess they don't know the quality of life that brings to Chemung County citizens. It's a very important building for Chemung County and it should remain a great building. Somehow we were able to sell it out and pack it with WWE and the Enforcers drew great crowds and all the events we had great crowds. It's kind of confusing how they think it needs to be torn down" he added.

In May 2019, the arena was deemed unfit to stay open after city Code Enforcement found 13 code violations inside. The violations included blocked emergency exits, missing fire extinguishers, and chained exit doors. The repairs were reportedly fixed within a matter of days.