Like most days, today retired trumpet player Christopher Webber left for a walk around the neighborhood, except on this Memorial Day, he marched-- instrument in hand.

Determined, he walked over, climbed over, and hiked through the weeds to an all but forgotten veteran gravesite.

"It gives me an opportunity to really think about them, and to do something for them," he said, "And when i discovered that there's actually a civil war veteran there, i was like oh my god, this was totally neglected, you know, nobody goes by there."

So Christopher decided to make recognition his responsibility and for the second year in a row.

"I'm doing it for these people that sacrificed way more than playing taps," he added.

Just one horn of many sounding off at 3pm as a part of CBS's Taps Across America, a tradition that correspondent Steve Hartman began last year alongside Taps for Veterans. A tradition aimed at bringing the country together in honorable reflection.

"Long before last year I had done a story on a guy named Don Britton in Tacoma, Washington and he was playing taps on his balcony and I was just really touched...and I thought right then and there what if all of America could feel what I'm feeling right now." Hartman shared.

And Chris takes those feelings to heart, in the true celebration of Memorial Day.

"I have to choke back a little bit while I play because you know, my dad," he shared, " I don't want to forget what people like my father and my uncle and [my wife's] dad did for our country."

And he says it never gets old, no matter how many times he plays those same 24 notes. All in an effort to keep the tradition of sounding off in the name of service.