5/28 UPDATE: Jonathan Gavazzi is back in now under custody in New York after being extradited from Maryland this week. According to EPD, on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, Gavazzi had an extradition hearing in Anne Arundel County Court, MD. 

He reportedly waived extradition back to New York State. EPD says on Thursday, May 27,th Gavazzi was transported back to Elmira. He was arraigned in Elmira City Court on two counts of custodial interference in the 1st degree and one count of criminal contempt in the 2nd degree.

An Order of Protection was also issued against Gavazzi. 

Due to bail reform, Gavazzi was released and is to appear in court at a later date. 


ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) – A man was arrested after police say two children were reported missing out of the City of Elmira.

On Sunday, May 22, a mother filed a report with police that her children had not been returned from visitation with their father; she reportedly said she believed the father was going to take the children out of state.

Police followed up on the issue, but the children were not located.

Then, on Monday, investigators looked into the matter further and found the father, Jonathan Gavazzi, had left his home and likely left the area with the children. A family member in Maryland was interviewed and Gavazzi was reportedly on a sailboat in the Annapolis area and was planning to leave the country with the children.

A warrant was obtained for his arrest and the Anne Arundel County Police and Maryland Department of Natural Resources located the sailboat. The children were recovered and Gavazzi was taken into custody.

Police say the children have been reunited with their mother and Gavazzi is currently in the Anne Arundel County Jail pending an extradition hearing. He has been charged with two counts of custodial interference.