Budget Estimates for Ithaca's Police Reform Proposal
ITHACA, N.Y.(WENY)-- Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca have released partial budget estimates for the Reimagining Public Safety Draft.
According to the budget breakdown, the total cost of the proposal as stands will be $992,587.20. This is assuming all 18 recommendations are passed by both the Common Council and the Tompkins County Legislature by April 1st.
The report does state that, if all recommendations were passed, this would be a gradual implementation process, therefore funding would happen incrementally. Initially, the proposal would need around $600,000.00 to fund a Joint Community Justice Center, evaluate alternative response models, establish a pilot program for non-emergency calls, and develop a continuous recruitment strategy.
The budget breakdown only asks for funding for nine out of the 19 recommendations, which are highlighted in bold below with total costs:
Replace the City of Ithaca Police Department with a Community Solutions and Public safety department: TBD
Evaluate existing models and implement an alternative to law enforcement response system for crisis intervention and wraparound health and human services: $225,000.00
Better align available resources with emergency response needs by establishing a pilot program for non-emergency calls: $210,960.54
Collect and evaluate the results of officer initiated traffic stop enforcement
Identify new curriculum, redesign and implement a culturally responsive training program that incorporates de-escalation and mental health components into a comprehensive response for law enforcement: $75,000.00
Develop a comprehensive community healing plan to address trauma in the
relationship between residents and law enforcement: $80,000.00
7. City Standardize data entry and review existing data sets for more actionable
insights and allocation of public safety resources
8. Develop a real-time public safety community dashboard: $26,766.00
9.Create a Tompkins County Public Safety Review Board
10.City Develop a comprehensive, inclusive, and innovative recruitment strategy
for law enforcement and corrections officers: $35,000.00
11.Develop a County-wide program to promote and support holistic officer
Wellness: $40,000.00
12.Seek ongoing and responsive collaboration from New York State Troopers
operating in Tompkins County
13.Repurpose SWAT Mobile Command Vehicle to Tompkins County
Department of Emergency Response and Develop Policies for Use of Mobile Command
Vehicle, Centers: $51,000.00
14.Conduct a Review of SWAT Callouts to Determine Appropriate Use of
Service and Equipment
15.Grant City of Ithaca Community Police Board More Oversight Authority
16.Require public disclosure of District Attorney and Assigned Counsel Office
Statistics on a quarterly and annual basis
17.City Revise the Civil Service exam process to diversify law enforcement personnel
18.Advocate for New York State to grant local civil service authorities the
authority to enact “continuous recruitment” of eligible candidates for law enforcement personnel
19.Urge Governor Cuomo and/or the New York State Legislature to reform
disciplinary procedures for law enforcement personnel under Civil Service Law Section
The recommendations that were not highlighted above will require no additional cost and can be done with existing resources and staff.
The most controversial recommendation, the replacement of the City of Ithaca Police Department with a Community Solutions and Public Safety Department is going to need funding because a detailed study will need to be done to determine the proper staffing.
The second recommendation, hiring community solutions officers, would cost $210,960.54 and includes a one-time uniform cost and an annual salary with benefits amounting to $75,000. These numbers are not yet set in stone and additionally would be accompanied by a civilian director who would oversee the police chief and be paid $189,800.00 annually. This would also result in one less Deputy Chief that would allow $164,165.00 to be reallocated.
This Police Reform Proposal is due by April 1st and until then, the city and the county are accepting public comments