(WENY) -- 75 businesses, schools and community-based organizations in the Empire State are getting funding for workforce development.

Governor Cuomo made the announcement yesterday. $9.5 million is being awarded to the entities as a part of the state's workforce development initiative.

Through the Department of Labor, the money will support job training and employment opportunities in high-demand industries for nearly 5,000 New Yorkers.

A few of the recipients are right here in the Southern Tier.

Businesses and organizations receiving Workforce Development awards include:  

  • Capital Region: SUNY Adirondack; Sysco Albany LLC; Youth FX Inc. 
  • Central New York: Advocates; Catholic Charities of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse; D&W Diesel Inc.; Oswego County; Responsive to Our Community; Specialized Distribution Solutions 
  • Finger Lakes: Lifetime Assistance; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rochester Rehabilitation Center, Inc.; Seneca Cayuga Yates Counties Chapter NYSARC Inc (DBA Mozaic); Turner Underground Installations 
  • Long Island: Adults and Children with Learning and Developmental Disabilities Inc.; AVNA Global Inc; East End Disability Associates Inc; Family Residences and Essential Enterprises Inc (FREE); Infinity Drain; Nassau Community College; Nicholas Center; NYIT; Spectrum Designs Foundation; Viability Inc. 
  • Mid-Hudson: Ability Beyond Disability, Inc.; Choice Films at Umbra Stages; Greyston Foundation, Inc.; Westchester Medical Center Health Network 
  • Mohawk Valley: Advanced Tool Inc., Northland Telephone Systems Ltd. DBA Northland Communications 
  • New York City: BioBus, Inc; Brooklyn Communities Collaborative; Building Skills NY; City College of New York ; Cresilon, Inc.; Cureatr, Inc.; East Side House, Inc.; Envisagenics, Inc.; Fesarius Therapeutics, Inc.; Grace Institute of New York; Henry Street Settlement; Kinnos; Lucerna, Inc.; NPower Inc.; NYCDCC Apprenticeship Journeyman Retraining Educational & Industry Fund; Quadrus Medical Technologies; Redesign Science, Inc.; Reel Stories Teen Filmmaking Inc.; Rockaway Development & Revitalization Corporation; Roulette Intermedium; Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc.; Sephardic Bikur Holim; SoHarlem; Steven Winter Associates and Allied Partners Residential Management; STRIVE International Inc.; Sunnyside Community Services; Thomas White Jr Foundation Inc.; Upwardly Global; Vant AI, Inc.; XL Batteries; Youth Action YouthBuild 
  • North Country: Alcoa USA Corporation; Jefferson-Lewis BOCES; North Country Chamber of Commerce; North Country Workforce Partnership, Inc.; Ready4Real ETS 
  • Southern Tier: Broome County Urban League; Broome Tioga Workforce; Buckingham Manufacturing Co Inc.; Fortitude Industries Inc.; Owego Apalachin Central School District 
  • Western New York: Catholic Charities of Buffalo NY; Fresenius Kabi; Mercy Flight