Community Strong Nominations
Brent Miller | Nominated by Shannon Rector
For the last few years Brent has been raising money so that he can bless others at Christmas time. Last year with generous donations from friends, family, and the local community, he raised $1100! After the money is raised, he ventures out on his mission to bless random folks
Because of COVID, there’s the obvious concern that there are many who have been hit hard financially, so maybe this won’t happen. However, I feel like it’s for this exact reason that this should happen. I love his heart and all that he’s doing. I pray that he chooses to do this again this year.
He doesn’t do this for accolades or admiration. He does it because his heart is just as big as he is.
Chemung County Health Departments | Nominated by Kyle M Wieder
The Chemung County Health Department has been working non-stop, some 7 days a week, with no extended periods off since the beginning of this pandemic. The workload is more than anyone could have ever expected but the staff continues to give it 100% and do their best work every day. The Public Health Director, Pete Buzzetti, has put in more hours than anyone could imagine! As well as other directors, supervisors and all of the Health Department staff!
Katelynn Stuart | Nominated by Laurie L'Amoureux
My daughter Katie is a Social worker for Children and families in Chemung county. She is such a dedicated hard working single parent that gives her all every day to try and make a difference in some one's life. It’s not an easy job and is very stressful but she gives it her all every day working shorthanded and overloaded with cases and she never gives up. She uses her own car to help her families because this isn't offered through the county. She tries every day to make a change and to make children's and family lives better. I am so Proud of her and her hard work and dedication and knows when the stress and toll of this job in our community some days leaves her so broken.
Matthew Cornacchio | Nominated by Melanie Neilson
Mr. Cornacchio goes above and beyond what his duties are as a teacher. He genuinely loves every child and does whatever he can to help them succeed. He is a wonderful teacher that deserves so much appreciation.
Rhonda Spencer | Nominated by Julia Moss
There are some people who would never want any recognition and Rhonda Spencer is one of these people.
She is one of the most genuine people I know. Her love for others is tremendous and goes unrecognized. Her desire to see others succeed is one of her passions. Her love for God is such a testimony to me and countless others. During a time of such uncertainty in may people’s lives due to this pandemic, she has remained steady in this storm because her roots run deep in her faith in God and his word. She gets the award for the most encouraging social media platform during COVID. Her words are not fear serving or confrontational. She is an example to so many. Thank you Rhonda Spencer for being a vessel to spread peace in this stormy season.
The Girls in reception, and 115 at the DSS building | Nominated by Michelle Rice
These employees have been working this whole time that COVID has been here. They have been helping the public through this whole pandemic and nobody has even said thank you to them. The girls in reception, the workers in room 106 that answer the phones and the social workers in room 115. They are very down right now and could really use the pick me up and to hear thank you.
JoyAnn Jo Elward | Nominated by Kim Humphrey
She goes above and beyond for the small community of Prattsburgh. From donations for locals facing devastation, to a diaper drive for local food pantry, to senior dinners, fundraisers to keep local church doors open! JoyAnn is always giving yet in pain after being a victim of being hit by a car years ago, she smiles and sees the good in all! Recently her son passed away and the town rallied to give back to her, but she is such a shining star! Never a negative judgement!!
David Smith Jr | Nominated by Shana Colegrove
David is a music teacher at CPPHS. He wrote a song as a tribute for people with COVID-19. It is beautiful!
It is also a time in our world when we need to hear and see beauty.
Lynn Fie | Nominated by Silver D Sampson
Lynn is a second grade teacher at Calvin u. Smith elementary school, she is a great and valuable asset to
my sons learning and future. On a daily basis she goes above and beyond her duties as a
teacher to make sure her students learn and have all the essential skills to do there best.
I admire her and all the teachers for how hard they are working to keeping learning a high priority.
Robbie Nichols (Elmira Enforcers/Pioneers) | Nominated by Jonathan Kliment
Even during this very tough time Robbie and the Enforcers continue to give back collecting and donating supplies
to schools for kids, hosting events, and doing everything they can to show the good in this community.
Hands down a top notch organization doing everything they can here and it should be applauded.
Jill Nickerson | Nominated by Karen Lattimer
Jill puts countless hours into the community and the Blossburg together page. She is very compassionate
with what she does and she does it very well. She deserves to be recognized.
Sara Caldwell | Nominated by Kera Groves
Sara Caldwell is the owner of Global Taco and Downtown Grind.
Throughout the pandemic she has been offering free meals for those unemployed at her taco truck.
Additionally at Downtown Grind she also has a little library that gave people access to books while
libraries have been closed. There is also a pantry at the shop where food, toiletries and other
necessities are available free of charge and stocked by the community and Sara. I think she truly embodies the definition of community.