HORSEHEADS, N.Y. (WENY) -- The Horseheads Central School District, along with every other school in New York State is currently waiting state approval to reopen in September, whether that be fully in person, fully online or a hybrid of both. If school were to return fully in person or with a hybrid model, either way, your child could need transportation. 

"We've purchased foggers. We also have a wonderful staff and I know our transportation department has said they will do whatever it takes to make sure our buses are compliant and ready to go," said Dr. Thomas Douglas, Horseheads Superintendent. 

Douglas says their transportation plan is ready to go. However, the district is working through some concerns, including making sure they have enough buses, and possibly different routing times. For students who need transportation, Douglas says they will be required to socially distance in each seat, while siblings will be allowed to sit next to each other in one seat. Students will also be required to wear a face mask on the bus. 

"If students came to the bus and they did not have a mask, because some will not have PPE, we will have masks available for those students. But it is not an option of whether or not they will, or will not wear that mask," said Douglas. 

Douglas says in the worst case scenario, if the student does not wear the mask, they will be transported, and the district might have to choose who can be on the bus for that day. The district is hoping that does not happen. Douglas says when it comes to keeping the bus clean, they will be cleaning as much as they can to make sure the bus ride is safe for your child. 

"Overnight, we will do our cleaning of our buses, as well as in-between the routes, which we're required to do by our plan. What happens is, our maintenance supervisor, our mechanic supervisor, our director of transportation and our director of facilities will coordinate that to make sure all the buses are sufficiently clean according to state protocols," said Douglas. 

Doctor Douglas says the district has sent out a survey to each parent, and in that survey a vast majority of parents have said they will assist in transporting their child to and from school. The district expects to have all of the survey results by the end of this week.