Bipartisan Lawmakers Continue Advocacy For Paid Family Medical Leave in Pa.
Harrisburg, Pa. (WENY)--Four bipartisan lawmakers in both the Pennsylvania House and Senate are continuing their push to pass legislation establishing a pad family medical leave program in Pennsylvania. They say it’s especially crucial during a pandemic.
The proposed Family Care Act would establish paid family medical leave for all Pennsylvania workers. COVID-19 has changed a lot of things, but sponsors of this legislation say the need for paid family leave is not one of them.
“As our Commonwealth continues to face an unprecedented health crisis, it’s clearer than ever that our residents need and deserve paid family and medical leave,” says Sen. Maria Collett (D- Bucks, Montgomery).
Senate Bill 580, sponsored by Collett and Senator Dan Laughlin (R- Erie) would create a statewide insurance fund, and employees would make contributions of about 58 cents per 100 dollars earned from their paycheck. Lawmakers estimate that would generate around $2.8 billion for the fund, which would be administered by the Department of Labor and Industry. Benefits would be calculated on a graduated scale. Both sponsors of the Senate Bill say it would especially help small businesses afford to offer employees paid leave.
“Having paid family leave is just another tool in the toolbox for these smaller companies to keep and keep their employees happy,” explains Sen. Laughlin.
Seven states, including neighboring New York, have a paid family medical leave program. It allows employees to take time off of work to care for a sick loved one, themselves, or other family emergency, without having to worry about losing a paycheck.
Heather Arnet is the CEO of the Women and Girls Foundation of Pennsylvania. She says COVID-19 isn’t the only pandemic the state is facing.
“There’s been a crisis in our communities for a long time. When families have needed to have help, and needed to take time to take care of their loved ones, and unemployment should not be the answer. Folks should not have to lose their jobs or worry about bankruptcy or losing their homes because they have someone in their families that needs care,” says Arnet.
69% of employers in Pennsylvania don’t offer paid medical leave. These state lawmakers are pushing for this bill to pass the legislature and send it to the Governor before the next medical emergency, or even the potential second wave of COVID-19.
“This program will provide a vital safety net for Pennsylvania’s working families, and it will provide peace of mind and financial support when workers need it most,” Sen. Laughlin says.
Senate Bill 580 is sitting in the Labor and Industry Committee. A companion bill in the House, House Bill 1739, sponsored by Reps. Wendi Thomas (R- Bucks) and Dan Miller (D- Allegheny), is sitting in the House Labor and Industry Committee awaiting action as well.