Northern Tier Businesses Give Update After First Few Days in Green Phase
WELLSBORO, P.A. (WENY) - As businesses in the Northern Tier begin to get into the swing of opening and operating in Pennsylvania's Green Phase, WENY News spoke with a couple of those businesses to see how things are going so far.
The Wellsboro Growers Market just opened last Thursday, May 28th, and this Thursday was their second day open where local vendors came to sell their products to the community. The Growers Market is following health guidelines such as keeping vendors a safe distance apart, requiring everyone to wear a face mask, only one customer or family group per vendor, and the vendors are the only ones who can touch and bag the products.
Market Manager, Thomas Putnam discussed his excitement for the early turnout from the community.
"We were surprised last week, a couple vendors sold out, none of us were sure, and I think word is still getting out that we're even open" said Putnam.
Putnam also said the goal is to get the community back to helping local businesses.
"We're really committed to in any way that we can, encourage people to buy local" he said. "And so the steering committee and the church when they host this is really committed to providing a place for farmers and growers and people who are creating things an outlet so that it's an opportunity for the community to be able to support other community members" Putnam added.
Further south in Tioga County is Decades of Beauty Salon where they are welcoming clients again. The Salon has spread out appointments and they are doing extra cleanings in between each appointment. Decades of Beauty Owner and Operator, Shannon Knowlton says clients are thrilled to be back but it is strange not being able to have the same environment they are used to.
"It's been going pretty smoothly" said Knowlton. "I've spaced people out enough where it gives you plenty of time to do what you need to do in between. And everyone has been very cooperative. I have some awesome clientele."
"This used to be a really welcoming place" she added. "People would come in as groups and friends and just hang out and say hello, and we can't do that anymore."
Knowlton is requiring her clients to wait outside the front door until someone lets them in the building to control foot traffic, and the Wellsboro Growers Market will be open every Thursday from 2:30-5:30 PM in front of the First Presbyterian Church.

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