Arnot Mall will not open on Friday

BIG FLATS, N.Y. (WENY) – In an email sent out to merchants, Arnot Mall announced it will not open on Friday.
In the email, mall officials say they were “under the impression that the Southern Tier would be onto Phase 2 today”.
“Unfortunately, even though Phase 2 guidelines have been made public, there has been confusion from the Governor's Office in regards to reopening the Southern Tier today for Phase 2,” the email reads. “With that said, Arnot Mall will NOT open to the public this morning until a formal announcement from the Governor's Office is made regarding a specific day and time in which the Southern Tier will be allowed to reopen in Phase 2”.
“We are hopeful that the Governor makes that announcement in today's press conference, and that we will be able to reopen soon.”
As WENY News reported, the mall initially announced it would open Friday as county leaders were under the impression the Southern Tier would be permitted to enter Phase 2 on that day. However, Thursday night during a call with county leaders, the state said that was not the case.
Chemung County Executive Chris Moss told WENY News the county would still move forward with the next phase of reopening.